We're Offside
Notes: €105 for up to 15 students, €7 for each additional student
Opening hours:
Duration: 2 Hours
History and Memory
Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
The proposed activity 'We're Offside!' consists of the recounting of two stories: the first is about the Austrian footballer Matthias Sindelar, whose story will be read from the illustrated book for children 'Offside'*, while the second is about the athletics champion Gretel Bergman. The personal stories of these two athletes, who lived during the Nazi regime, will help understand the general historical events and the discrimination that prevailed during those years, leading to a broader reflection on the meaning of being offside and excluded.
The activity will continue with a team memory game that will actively engage the participants and finally provide them with all the information regarding the biographies of the two champions to be ordered and reconstructed chronologically for full understanding.
* For the reading, we will use the book 'Offside!' by Fabrizio Silei, illustrated by Maurizio Quarello, published by Orecchio Acerbo, for which we have been kindly granted permission to use.
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For reservations or information, fill out the form and we will be happy to respond