Home >> memory-documents >> 27 October 1940: Pia Rossi promoted from gymnasium to high school with a diploma bearing the words “of Jewish race”
27 October 1940: Pia Rossi promoted from gymnasium to high school with a diploma bearing the words “of Jewish race”
After the promulgation of the Racial Laws, all the official documents issued to Jewish students by Italian State Schools read “of Jewish Race”, often in red.
Pia Rossi’s diploma too, issued by the Liceo Tito Livio in Padua, reports the same sentence. The diploma allowed her to pass to Liceo Classico (High School focussed on Humanities).
Pia, who had been excluded from State schools in 1938, continued studying at the Jewish School in Padua: yet, at the end of the school year she had to sit an exam to be able to pass.
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